Finally, there has been progress with my hexagon quilt. On New Year's Eve I managed to stitch the final hexie to the coloured border of the quilt top and I am soooooo pleased that I decided way-back-when not to just square off the top with my ruler. I love keeping the shaping that the hexagons have created.
Of course, I could regret it as there is still much fiddly work to be done as a result of not just squaring off the quilt, but I really do believe it will be worth it in the end. And, don't tell, but I am hopeful that 2013 might actually be the year this quilt gets finished!
It will take some concerted effort and determination, and mainly NOT getting distracted, but I am going to give it a go. Not only that, but I am going to try and make this quilt handstitched from start to finish. Do you think I'm crazy? Somehow, after piecing all these hexies in the top by hand it just seems wrong to introduce this wee quilt to the sewing machine. So, if I can manage it I am going to baste and hand quilt it with perle. The amazing Susan may have had a hand in encouraging me down this road, and it is thanks to her that this will be called my "Forever Quilt" (as in it will have taken forever to finish). I like that my quilt will be named courtesy of a good bloggy friend - satisfied hmpff!
Next step? Well, that border needs a corresponding hexagon border for the back of the quilt, so if you're looking for me, I'll be on the sofa basting another 150 or so hexies. Ta ta for now!
Oh Hexi-licious! This has turned out wonderfully! And I agree, hand quilting it is totally the right decision! Jxo
ReplyDeleteEeeek! Not sure if I should be satisfied or hiding. It is wonderful though and a real heirloom quilt.
ReplyDeleteIt will definitely be an heirloom quilt and all the more special as you have hand quilted it too. Di x
ReplyDeleteIt is so beautiful, wow!!
ReplyDeleteI love the colours, great rich earthy tones.
ReplyDeleteIt is absolutely fabulous Sarah
ReplyDeleteOh dedication to a cause! It looks fantastic, but the time it must have taken... I admire from afar.
ReplyDeleteYes, defo hand quilting is the way to go, despite all the work involved.
ReplyDeleteMy hexie,s will not be getting finished this year.
Sorry won,t see you today. Hope you continue to get stronger and fitter.
Wow it's looking good! Having made a 1" hexie quilt and having an unfinished more traditional hexie quilt I know how much work is involved. Hope you're feeling better now.