Ta da!!
What do you think? Fancy a chance (or two) to get your mitts on 5 gorgeous fqs of Liberty cotton (if I can let it go, that is)?
Ok enough teasing. Here's what you have to do if you'd like to enter the giveaway:
1. Take a wee look at the My Quilts page and leave me a comment to let me know which of my 2012 quilts is your favourite (I'm just curious). Quilts no 7 - 22 are all from 2012. AND leave me a link to a blog post or flickr pic of YOUR own favourite make of 2012, quilts or otherwise. This way I can have fun noseying at your lovelies over the hols. (You need to do both parts of this one to make your comment a valid entry.)
2. For a second chance, blog about the giveaway and share the link to your post here.
Giveaway is open to all, but I will have to redraw if you are a no-reply blogger. Comments will close at 15.00 GMT on Thursday 27 December 2012, and I will draw a winner that afternoon.
So, what are you waiting for?
Easy peasy - they are all lovely but No 10 - Kaleidoscope Quilt wins for me. And my favourite was a hard one between my bee quilt and Stained but I went with Stained - http://canadianabroad-susan.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/sun-is-shining-so.html
ReplyDeleteSo happy to have 'known' you for almost two years. Can't wait to meet face to face.
Oh that's a tough one! I like so many! If I have to choose one I'm going for Birdie stitches! But then I really like the Ruby and Soul Blossoms ones too! LOL! My fav quilt of this year is my Dad's civil war quilt: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ragstobags/6783696611/in/set-721576259 49852541
ReplyDeleteThese liberty prints are so beautiful! jxo
I will be blogging about your giveaway tomorrow. I'd been checking your blog all day, but for some reason it has only come up now on my reader & I've already done a post today. Hope that's ok. Jxo
ReplyDeleteEasy peasy choice for me. It has to be your Ruby Quilt because I like the pattern and adore the fabric! The quilt that I most like that I have made this year is this one that I made for my niece www.flickr.com/photos/di_willowbeck_designs/7414248006/in/photostream
ReplyDeleteThank you Sarah for such a generous giveaway. Di x
I have just spent ages looking at all your quilts, and can't believe just how many fabulous quilts you have made. In the end I decided my favourite is the Kaleidoscope Quilt - but it was a tough choice....
ReplyDeleteI can't link you to a quilt I have made as mt first quilt is still unfinished in a heap in my wardrobe!!! But I think I am most proud of my table runner I made for me Mum.... I blogged about it here http://sewasecondchance.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/this-little-elf-has-been-busy.html
Thank you for an amazing give away, and well done on 2 years of blogging xxx
My favourite quilt of yours is #21 the wonky crosses!
ReplyDeleteA quilt I have made is the 'Groove' quilt following a QAL with Alyssa at pileofabric.com
My favourites are numbers 14 (Birdie Stitches) and 16 (Wonky Grey) ... so different but equally wonderful! Please don't make me choose between them! Of my own finishes this year, my favourite is my EPP baby quilt: http://secretingredientlove.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/its-alive.html. I know I disparagingly called it 'Frankenblanket', but all the time, effort, and frustration really paid off with this one, and I'm delighted with it! Off now to write a blog post...
ReplyDeleteDone... here's the link: http://secretingredientlove.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/a-picture-less-post.html
ReplyDeleteMy favourite quilt of yours is #16 (Wonky Grey) but I also love them all and hope you make a bunch more this year too. I am afraid I do love all the quilts I have made but if I had to pick last years favourite I would pick Shattered and the blog post is here: http://www.shecanquilt.blogspot.ca/2012/01/inspiration.html Thank you for the giveaway, I would so love to have those liberty fabrics.
ReplyDeleteeasy for me: your ruby star quilt, I love it! And I also would have chosen your hexie quilt you had in the summer too, but its not there (as it's not finished!)
ReplyDeleteI love how my stained quilt turned out http://www.flickr.com/photos/61841646@N07/7432551510/in/photostream - it makes me feel all summery (if only!)
What a lovely giveaway! I really like your D9P Soul blossoms, and the Ruby... But my goodness I'm blown away with the quantity you've achieved this year too! Well done :-)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite make of the year just had to be my brit bee quilt.. The Blue Beeast... http://www.flickr.com/photos/narcolepticinacupboard/7159431049/
You do not ask much, do you? A favourite? well, The wonky crosses (21) because it is gorgeous, Comfort and joy (22) same reason, and your lovely blue Kaleidoscope quilt- I couldn't fine it down more than that!What a lot you have done! Wow!
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm a new visitor to you via "Just Jude"! I love No 9, the pink windmill one. (I love the others too, but I'm a sucker for a bit of pink!) As for me, I'm most proud of my 2" dragonfly, that took me 8 hours to make (!!)learning a new skill. It can be found at http:/www.flickr.com/photos/mirandaandlu. Can't remember which number, but it's the only dragonfly there! You can find some of my other makes at mirandaandlu.blogspot.com. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteMy fav quilt is no 7 .. Disappearing nine patch .. But I also like birdie stitches! My fav of mine is my rainy day bag ... I'll mail you the link as can't get it to load into this as keeps deleting my post!! V annoying! Not sure if this is valid though! Oh well Santa may not b in the running to bring the liberty to me!! Hope you had a happy blogaversary and didn't go to wild lol! X
ReplyDeleteI have blogged but silly technophobe brain / iPhone won't upload the link! Oh well Its not about the winning! Just like having you as a friend x
ReplyDeleteI of course adore your Ruby quilt (no 17). It's fresh, it's bright, it is perfect! :) As for the stuff that I made last year, I really like the set for boys I used making marine/nautical fabrics. Here it is: http://tutinella.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/121-kotwiczki-odki-itp-anchors-boats.html
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely Christmas time :)
Super hard. You are so talented! I especially like Quilt No 20: 'Not So Gross'
ReplyDeletebut the Ruby is awesome too!!
I likes my finishes today. I'm still in love with the wall hanging I made for some friends http://www.flickr.com/photos/h2ogirl76/7976558019/
It is so hard picking a favourite from so many lovelies. But I think my favourite is the blue and white kaleidoscope quilt. Gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteMy own favourite quilt make of 2012 is this one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/isisjem/8099665829/in/set-72157628798095979n the highlight of my Christmas will be seeing my Mum open this up on Christmas day as it's for her!
Oh my Sarah, what a hard ask. There are so many of your quilts that I just love.From No.7 Soul Blossoms D9P, No.9 Waving Windmills,No.22 Comfort and Joy-love the simplicity of this one but my favourite has to be No.17 Ruby Quilt. No surprises there!!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't got nearly as many quilts to choose from as you but my favourite has to be my Memory Quilt @ http://simply-sew.blogspot.co.uk/2012_09_01_archive.html
Happy Browsing.
I have just blogged about your giveaway at http://willowbeckdesigns.blogspot.co.uk Di x
ReplyDeleteI love Number 6 of yours. Fantastic fabrics and I like the randomness.
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to my favourite Owl quilt http://lizofdandeliondaydreams.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/owl-quilt-journey.html
The Ruby Quilt is my fave, but it was a close run thing, I loved the navy windmill quilt too! My Tumbler quilt is my fave of the year: http://heartofcharnwood.blogspot.co.uk/p/completed-projects-2012.html
ReplyDeleteLoving the giveaway!! : )