VERY slowly I am working my way through those remaining 6.5" blocks of the Moda Modern Building Blocks Quilt. They are all pre-cut which is handy and probably a good job or I'd never get around to them!
Block 31 - I'm very happy with my colour choices for this block. Another one designed around the economy square centre.
Block 32 - I think this is my favourite of this little group of four that I'm showing you today. I love it, possibly because it's red and white. However, it is a bit of an oopsie because only after I had it all stitched and neatly pressed did I spot that those flying geese are flying the wrong way!! I thought about switching them back to how they should be, but actually I like this accidental block so much that I've just decided to leave it. It can be the quirk in my quilt!
Block 33 - More flying geese for this block. After my faux pas with Block 32 I paid close attention to placement of these ones, especially because my brain really wanted to position them differently than they are.
Block 34 - I really like this little block. Maybe I was enjoying the squares and rectangles again after all those geese, though I think maybe I was enjoying the pretty cream paisley fabric (from Scrumptious, I think).
So, 34 stitched and only 14 still in little pre-cut packs. That has got to be an end to all this piecing in sight, yes?