Long time no chat. It's all go here, but just not of the stitchy kind. Mind you, those Bees over at Bee Blessed never stop, so they need some more blocks from you lovelies to keep them hard at it. This month they're calling for some scrappy Frame Box blocks using my easy, peasy tutorial.
They are hoping to grow something along these lines to make into fabulous quilty hugs for folks who need them. Hop on over to the Bee Blessed blog for all the details (and here for a wee peek at the faces at the helm). Deadline for receipt of blocks in 18th June, so get going! I'm a little late sharing this month, but seriously these blocks are very quick, so spare an hour and make a few for Bee Blessed, and if you get addicted to making them, don't blame me!
I LOVE this block - it's so clean and simple, and yet says so much!!!
ReplyDeletegreat colours as well!!