Monday, 20 April 2015

Final focus

So, it seems that writing my little focus lists in January and again at the beginning of March has paid off and I am getting a good handle on the UFOs and WIPs hanging around my soon(ish) to be dismantled sewing room.

Since my March re-focus list I have managed to keep up to date with the Quilt Now Magazine BOM blocks, finished the Rainbow Crumb quilt, my Modern Stitching Bee Quilt and made two lovely bags - a Sidekick tote and a QAYG tote in my favourite fabrics.  I even found time for a few other small makes too.  All of that means that I have cleared all but two of my WIPs and the longer term UFOs are no more! I think that's a good position to be in considering that I really need to start thinking about getting the sewing room packed away and I really don't want lots of unfinished projects languishing where I cannot access them or while I don't have time to work on them.

So, what's left to focus on?

Well, the Quilt Now BOM is still ongoing for the next 3 issues, I think.  I'm hoping that at least two of those months will be possible for me and that I might even just about squeeze in the last one.  It would be sooooo good to get it all pieced before I have to take a break from my machine.  Fingers crossed.

My other remaining WIP is my crocheted hexies.  This one has always been a long term WIP (it is a little bigger than the photo above now) and I am not too concerned about its rate of progress, but it will be a nice project to pick up and keep on the go.

After that, I've got a sewing room to dismantle and LOTS of boxes to relocate.  I think it will take me quite a while to make this lot manageable in a new space!

Then,  I think it will be time to give some thought to my stitching options for the second half of the year.  I know there's a new arrival coming to pre-occupy most of my "spare moments" but I would like to keep stitching somehow, even a little bit here and there.  I'm thinking that hand stitching projects will probably be the way to go for a while. So, maybe a little prep from some new handstitching/knitting/crochet projects would help that actually be possible.  Need to have a think on that one.

So that's it.  In a nutshell, my new focus is on keeping my two current WIPs from becoming UFOs, tidying away a sewing room and preparing some post-baby stitching/sanity plans.  Probably not many finishes in there but hey, it's a plan!


  1. Good luck! Prepping some hand projects sounds like a good idea!

  2. Having some hand sewing ready to go is a great idea! I would've liked to have done that when Grace was born but hadn't gotten anything ready in advance, which meant I never got around to doing anything.


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