Yep, I am pretty much seeing 5am every morning lately and once there's a wash in the machine and I've had a quick flick through my IG feed, I have been a bit at a loss as to what I can do with the time that won't waken the rest of the house.
Enter the Moda Modern Building Blocks Pattern and the quiet activities of pressing fabrics and cutting for blocks.
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Block 1 |
Excuse no 2 - I ordered this pattern while I was staying with Di last October (when I saw her copy I knew I wanted to have a go) and I even declared it as the quilt I was most hoping to make in 2015. So, really I should try and make a start, shouldn't I?
Excuse no 3 - If I have some blocks already cut and ready to stitch won't it give me a better focus and maximise my sewing time once I make the time and effort to haul the sewing machine and equipment down to the kitchen since it won't just be sitting ready to use any more?
Say "yes" - I'm pregnant and hormonal and you don't want to argue with me!
My very early morning cutting activities have generated the majority of the cutting for blocks 1 - 9 so far. These blocks are the largest in the quilt pattern (ranging from 36" sq to 18" sq) and I decided after trying to cut block 1 that I should probably tackle all of the larger block cuts first.
As you can see in the picture of block 1 above not all of the pieces have been cut. I ran out of fabrics. I think I underestimated the size of this block (36" square) and just how large the original fabric would have to be to successfully achieve the instructed cuts. Ultimately, unless you have a very generous cut on your half metres or fat quarters you won't be able to cut the 19.5" squares that go into making up this first and several other of the larger blocks. So, knowing I'd need to order a little more fabric to finish the block I thought it would be wise to go ahead and cut as much as possible for the remaining large blocks just to work out if I need to order a little of anything more. Sure enough, my existing fabric didn't strecth to all of the larger cuts so I have a few extras to add to my order. Oh how sad to have more Bonnie and Camille lovelies winging their way to me!!
After blocks 1 - 9 the remaining 39 blocks are all either 12" sq or 6" sq so I think the rest of my B&C stash and scraps should be able to provide amply for the more "normal" cuts required.
All in all, I know I'm breaking my own rules starting another project at this time, but maybe having things prepped will inspire me to keep at it and not give up on the sewing machine post-baby and really, it is always fun to start something new!! I'm also fairly certain that some of these will be pieced at the next available opportunity, just because "my name is Sarah and I'm a stitchaholic".
Think I have now suitably justified this new start to myself ;-)