Doing my very best to stay focussed on the Memory Quilts here, even though so many other lovelies are calling my name from the various books, boxes and shelves of my sewing room. La la la la - I'm not listening! But oh how I wish I could. Just for a small project or two. I'm in the mood to do something I can start and finish in a weekend. Must not give in, must remain focussed!
So, the result of such amazing self-denial is that the red pixel heart memory quilt top is now all pieced
and so is the aqua one. I'm happy that both seem to have worked well and that the heart made from my Brother-in-law's shirt fabrics is well enough defined in each case. These tops measure 60.5" which is a little smaller than Judith's original pattern (I used a slightly smaller square as my pixel base size).
I've hung the tops up for now as I ponder potential sources of backings - to piece or not to piece? Will depend greatly on available suitable fabrics and available time and as you well know, pieced backing are not my favourite thing to do. We'll see ....
With the pixels underway, I did break up the monotony of sewing so many squares together (there's a lot of them in two quilts!) by starting on the wonky stars that will be the feature of the memory quilt for our nephew. I do love making wonky stars. Nice tutorial here if you've never tried them before.
Once the aqua heart top was completed, I whipped up the remaining wonky stars (9 in total) and then spent an evening on my knees laying out the third memory quilt. I do like these randomly placed stars and coloured pixels (stardust perhaps?) among the more muted shirt fabric background.
Layout finalised, I gathered everything up in labelled sections to make the piecing easier (I hope) and to avoid muddling up squares. After spending so long trying to make sure no two same fabrics were touching, I do not want to get these shuffled up now!
So, looks like my weekend sewing is sorted. What will you be up to?