Saturday 1 February 2014

Bee Blessed - February 2014

Since hearts are everywhere during the month of February, we thought we'd pick up on the theme and have a heart block for this month's Bee Blessed block.

There is a plan to alternate this block in with next month's block (yes, we've been thinking ahead) and fingers crossed the resulting quilts will be just lurrrrve-ly!

Heart Block - 12.5" unfinished

Fabric - please use solid white for the background and a pretty, modern-ish print for the heart.  It doesn't need to be pink but please choose a nice bright shade of colours rather than pastels or dark shades.

Assume scant 0.25" seam throughout.

Fabric A - background (white solid)
Cut 4:  2" squares
Cut 2:  5" squares
Cut 2:  9.5" x 2" border strips
Cut 2:  12.5" x 2" border strips
Note that you may wish to cut your four border strips a little bit larger than specified above if you prefer to have a little more "wiggle room" to bring the block in on size.  You can then trim the block evenly all around to 12.5" when finished.  This should not be necessary if your seams are consistently 0.25" scant.

Fabric B - heart (print)
Cut 2: 9.5" x 5"

1. Draw pencil lines across the diagonal on the reverse of each 2" square and each 5" square.  For stitching, the diagonal lines will be positioned as illustrated on the photograph above.

2. Firstly stitch the 2" squares along the diagonal pencil lines to create the top shaping of the heart.  Then stitch the 5" squares along the diagonal line to create the bottom point of the heart.  The photograph shows clearly how to position these.  Trim away the excess fabric at all the corners leaving a 0.25" seam allowance.

3.  Now press the seams on each half of your heart open.

4.  Place the two halves of the heart right sides together and pin them along the seam which will be the centre line of the heart.  Stitch together.

5.  Again, press the seam open.

It's time to finish off the block with some borders.

6.  Add your border strips by pinning the 9.5" x 2" side strips on first and stitching in place. Press the seams away from the centre.

7.  Now pin the 12.5" x 2" top and bottom borders in place and stitch the seams. Again press the seams away from the centre.

8. If necessary trim evenly all around so that your block measures 12.5" square.

That's it.  Easy peasy, isn't it? Hope you have fun stitching these heart blocks this month.

Thank you!


  1. Good thinking, and genius way to make an easy heart!

  2. that is such a fun and easy block xx

  3. Gorgeous heart! Can not wait to make one

  4. Brilliant tute! I think this is going to be a much desired quilt (when we eventually get it finished!) Jxo

  5. That's such a great block!! On the list xxx

  6. That's one cute block! I'm on it. xx

  7. easy peasy my foot!!! might be to you but will try and have a go.

  8. followed your instructions and have successfully done you a heart

  9. I have made you a couple of hearts! Please can you let me know your address and I can pop them in the post! Great instructions :)


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