Here it is folks, one zippered pouch for my partner in the Mouthy Stitches Pouch Swap. Ta da!
Pouch front |
As I researched/stalked my partner for inspiration I had an idea to take her love of whimsy and work that through 'my way'. In other words, when you have no 'whimsy' in your fabric stash, you need to create the whimsy yourself. Hence the embroidery stitching. Thanks to Aimee Ray's Doodle Stitching book my partner is getting mushrooms, a gnome and a hedgehog that are recognisable as such!
Tricky to get a pic of those wee pleats - hope you get the idea. |
Although the current trend seems to be for bright fabric panels or blocks on linen backgrounds, I wanted to switch that around a little. So this pouch has bright fabric background (including a few little co-ordinating pleats) with the linen as the focus panel. I know from the comments on the flickr group that a few folks would have preferred to keep the linen as the main fabric but if I had tried that then my little stitcheries wouldn't really have worked. So I hope it was a gamble worth taking (and I haven't ignored anything my partner said to just do my own thing, just in case she's reading and is worried).
Pouch back |
I wanted the back to be fun too, so stitched up a wee birdie family to perch there. Then, because my partner said she might like one, I added a wristlet strap too. This one's removable so if she changes her mind she can just unclip it.
One zip as per swap requirements. |
The little internal pocket is there just in case my partner needs a chocolate hiding place! (Who doesn't?) The final pouch measures approx 9.5" x 8.5" so it's reasonably roomy and could be used for any number of purposes (lots of chocolate?).
It was great to have a partner who participated and shared her thoughts and opinions so frequently through the swap discussions and photo comments, and hopefully that has resulted in making her something that she truly will like. So there it is Partner, your Mouthy Stitches Swap Pouch complete with zip and this fq's worth of scraps tucked inside.
I promise the scrap colours are better in reality! |
Now, are you wondering whose address gets to go on the envelope on 25th? ......