Woohoo!!! 48 blocks complete!
There were times with these fiddly 6" blocks that I thought I'd never actually make them all. Truthfully, not all of them were fun, but they're ALL DONE!!!!
My favourites from these last blocks are no 45 (the red and white in the centre) and no 47 (the green friendship star). I'm still a little concerned about the pale grey blocks (nos 42 and 48) and whether or not they will look insipid in the quilt as a whole. Mostly, I have tried to follow the colours of the original quilt design, albeit in prints rather than solids, and so if greys worked in it I'm hoping they'll be okay in mine too.
It feels good to have gotten this far at last. Next all the blocks will be sorted and assembled in sections to become a mahoosive quilt flimsy. Before I get to that though I am just going to revel in not having any more 6" blocks to sew for a while! ;-)