It was all go at Bee Blessed this afternoon.
Look at everybody bee-vering away. They really are a dedicated crew - the sun was shining which we haven't seen much of lately and still these lovely Bees turned up to keep the quilts moving! (There are a few other bodies basting on the floor space that you can't see here.)
We had a pretty new finish of Amy Butler blues and turquoises. This quilt will be donated on to a very young family who have just lost husband/dad. A truly tragic circumstance but our real privilege to offer a little thought in the form of a comforting quilt.
Our lovely Ruth was busy crawling across the floor making a pieced backing for a pretty lilac and green rail fence quilt top and here she is finishing the basting.
Ros was working on piecing the Scrap Canvas blocks into a top and even pieced a backing and prepped lots of binding too. Don't you just love the riot of colour in this quilt? It's such a cheery one.
Judith got this little contemporary blocks baby quilt sorted with backing and basted it and a couple of other little quilts that I missed getting photos of. She's speedy - I imagine it's all the practice she's had!
There was much more activity besides that which I captured in pics. Blocks were made to fill in gaps in quilts, wavy line quilting was stitched on the boy's sailboat quilt and the very pretty maple leaf quilt got its first touch of quilting too. I'm sure I've forgotten other things that were going on but I promise we were very productive this afternoon. All of which should help keep everyone busy again next month when we meet!
As you can see, there is still much on the go at Bee Blessed and I am so delighted to be able to tell you that this lovely bunch of ladies, and those who couldn't join us today, are all very determined that they will keep Bee Blessed operational after June. They really have a heart for continuing the good work and blessings that come from this Bee and I know that going forward they would really love to have your continued support donating blocks as they set them. Your contributions of beautiful blocks have been invaluable to us in the past four years and will be every bit as valued in the months and years to come. So, please, please, hang in there and bear with us as we work through this little transitional period and bring you the details of how you can keep up with all the Bee Blessed goings on and where you can send your blocks to in future.