So, some of you were nice enough to be curious about my FQR classes and shopping. Those who are FQRed out can skip this post with my blessing - I know there's a lot of FQR rumbling about this here blogisphere!
I will be brief, if such a thing is possible for me. Okay, so I tried to be brief and it just wasn't happening. Hope you won't be too bored with more of my ramblings!!
On Friday afternoon I went to
John's embroidery workshop and was ever so grateful for the air-conditioned seminar room! Needless to say, amid the chatter there wasn't a huge amount of stitching done, but I did make a start on a pattern I had brought with me (available as a free pdf download from
I even tried a wee bit of (slow) stem stitch which was new for me. Nice workshop = UFO no 1.
Lynne's Touchdraw table top session was really informative given that prior to the weekend the only thing I could manage on touchdraw was to draw a square and I'm not even sure how I did that! So, with great patience for the numpty at the table (me) I did manage to draft a churn dash quilt
and had a go at making a paper template pieces (less successfully)
I suspect Touchdraw just needs a lot of practice and then it will finally click with me and actually be one of those things you can do quite quickly. But maybe not today, nor tomorrow ....
UFO nos 2 and 3 (I'm not counting that unfinished touchdraw drawing - ahem) came from
Lucy's portholes class.
This was lots of fun, though I am a wee bit frustrated by my wrinkly circular porthole. Still, I foresee two cushions from these lovelies (with some gentle persuasion of the wrinkles) when I ever get the time.
Probably the least impressive of my unfinished items coming home from FQR (yes, that's 4 UFOs from 1 weekend!) is my needleturn applique block.
I had to put
Mandy's illustration in the photo so you could see what I was supposed to be doing. I have all sorts of excuses for this one. 1) It was Sunday and I was only just about awake at 9am! 2) I did a lot of hanging about for an iron because those at the cathedral windows class were pressing their little lives away, bless them! 3) It was only an hour and a half session, and most of all 4) when I had a spare hour after my session I didn't continue with the applique as planned, but allowed myself to get distracted by a hop over to the V&A Museum shop! Oops!!
I did like learning this technique and would love to pick this up again and have a go at finishing it. I need to learn to make that bias strip curve!
As well as the classes, of course, there were freebies to be had and I even won a book in the raffle draw
All for free! |
Lots of lovelies from the generous sponsors and a few goodies from
Emily too!
And, of course, in spite of my best intentions, I did succumb to the temptations of quilt market wares.
Fab reds from Eternal Maker. |
Key fobs from Hadley. |
Random pretties from Tikki, London. |
Liberty Blues from Di - v generous fqs! |
So, that was it. Great classes, fun shopping and brilliant friends! Do I need to do more to persuade you to go sometime?
And, just to round of all this FQR news, I'm showing you where my name tag (liberty hexies) is now proudly on display on my sewing room notice board. It's much too fab to get chucked away in a drawer! Thanks again
Justine (who by the way is just the nicest person, with a fab laugh)!!
Phew! If you hung in there, pat yourself on the back and go get a cup of tea, or a medicinal brandy!