
Friday 29 January 2021

Kindred Spirits QAL - Week 20

Well, that's it for my Kindred Spirits quilt.  I am sad that the QAL is over but I truly enjoyed every minute (well, up until my terrible quilting). Thank you Just Jude Designs team, Judith and Lucy, for the fantastic tuition via video class and pdf.  Thanks, too, to all the other Kindred Spirit Stitchers on FB for the encouragement, kind comments and the inspiration provided by your work. I loved it!

And here's my quilt, wonky quilting and all - 

The pieced backing looks fun now that it's done.

Of course, I didn't forget the label I made from the templates for the Unity Tile block that features in Judith's design.

There are lots of other gorgeous KS QAL quilts being finished and shown off on the group Facebook page. It feels like everyone is gaining a sense of achievement from conquering all the various techniques and building an armoury of quilty skills.  It has been great to forge community for a time when so much of our natural community has been interrupted of late.  Thank you again Judith for all your hard work in bringing this fantastic project to us.

If you like what you see in this Kindred Spirit sampler quilt, Judith's video classes for the project are available on her web shop here.


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