
Friday 27 September 2019

Mini Archie's September Furtle

Archie The Wonder Dog

September has been a hectic, stressful month with the return from summer break to full on schedule of activities and routines again.  On top of that, I seem to have spent much of it in advocacy for CT's pre-school provision. So, I'm a little surprised that I have anything stitchy to show for September at all, and not really surprised that what there is to show is a little bit all over the place (rather like my head).

Before my wee brain got super stretched I managed to exercise it a little in working out how to make a rather large sleeping bag for CT.  It's been well tested now and I'm pleased to report is doing the job nicely.

I finished my 'perfect pairs' block into a cushion which was such a pleasure once I'd decided which border fabric to use.  I just love this.

While I didn't actually do any stitching for my EPP Hexie Diamonds quilt in September, I did gather all the diamonds to play layout and then spent a couple of evenings figuring out a design to help frame and finish the diamonds centre panel.  Let's just say it's going to take a lot more hexies!!

The re-emergence of this Christmas project WIP did encourage me to progress it a little this month.  Not a lot of sewing admittedly - I completed the embroidered panel and then spent time at the ironing board setting bondawebbed numbers on the squares for the next stage.  A little progress is still progress.

So, that was my September in stitches. What about you?


  1. Brava on working out a sleeping bag--they're so good, aren't they! Such a fun print too. Your cushion is *adorable*, and the hexies quilt is a delight--such clear and fresh colours, and so cheery! Well done on making progress with your projects, with so much background stress to deal with. We believe in you, and the power of crafting!

  2. Ohhh all the hearts for everything but especially your hexie epp 😍😍

  3. Those hexies!!! I adore them!!!! And look at you getting a head start on Advent!!! Thanks for Furtling - I hope the preschool provision gets sorted soon xx

  4. What a wonderful set of EPP hexies! Good luck with everything and hope your October goes more smoothly.


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