
Sunday 31 December 2017

Great Big Fabric Hug

A little while back I told you all how I was liberating more of my Bonnie & Camille fabrics to make a quilt for a friend.  Well, I just managed to finish the binding last night for a final finish of 2017 - here it is:

Late night finishing shot.
As you can see the light wasn't much better in the daylight.

I knew when I laid this one out that it would be hard to part with and I was sort of right.  I ADORE this quilt.  I honestly think it's my favourite quilt ever made by me.  You already know the fabrics sing to my heart, but I love this pattern too. (Thanks to Just Jude for her inspiring Autumn Boho quilt design which set me to work.)

When I quilted this I wanted to try something I hadn't done before.  So, inspired by Yvonne (Nellie's Niceties), I used the curvy stitch on my machine to quilt in a grid pattern.  A few lines in I admit I started getting nervous about whether it was going to work, whether it was overkill on this quilt that I want to retain an 'unfussy' feel on, but I ploughed on reminding myself that often in quilting you have to think bigger picture and see the whole thing not just a part before you can assess. (Yes, I know that's risky.)
I'm so glad I didn't reach for the stitch ripper though.  The quilting has given it so much texture and crinkle! I only wish I could capture it properly on camera for you to see.  I will definitely be using this stitch to quilt again.

If this quilt wasn't going to someone who will appreciate it, then there is no way I could let go of it.  But it is going to someone lovely and deserving and it is exactly what I wanted it to be - a great big hug for her.  It's going to her very soon with all my love and blessings and I hope it makes her feel as special as she really is.



  1. Beautiful, well done with the quilting. x

  2. It's gorgeous and I love the wavy quilting!

  3. This is wonderful in every way. I think the more you want to keep a quilt, the greater a gift it becomes. I'm sure your friend will feel all the love wrapped up in this lovely quilt.


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