
Thursday 29 June 2017

Finish Along 2017 - Quarter 2 Round Up

Time to review my Quarter 2 progress - not sure it's going to take long, folks!

Pot Luck Baby Quilt
This should have been my most likely finish this quarter, but I changed my mind once I'd stitched the top together and stepped sideways into a new quilt for the baby entirely!  This Pot Luck top has been donated to Bee Blessed, so I know it will be finished and given to someone deserving soon.

'Happy Days' BOM - Sarah Fielke 2016
I made progress by adding borders to the quilt centre and I'm very happy with it (and the progress).  It is, however, still very far from finished and I think, not really a likely contender for next quarter's list (nor even the one after that).

Moda Modern Building Blocks Quilt
Thanks to having outsourced for Trudification in the quilting stakes, I can declare an actual finish this quarter!  Go me!!

Quilt Now BOM
Not much progress on the hand quilting of this one, but that's ok. Slow and steady. Super slow and super steady, eh?

Cosy Christmas Quilt
Well, I had hoped not to carry this over to a third quarter, but looks like I will be.  I don't think I touched this at all since March.

Miss Winkle Scarf
So Miss Winkle became a Hitchhiker after all and by the skin of my teeth made it to a finish this quarter.  Sadly, I forgot to get a proper picture of the finish but I did get proof that it was finished in a photo of the blocking stage.

Hmmm - Two finishes and a smidgin of progress.  Wish it could have been more, but all things considered, I'm ok with that.  How did you all do?  I wonder who is the most prolific FAL finisher this quarter? 

1 comment:

  1. lots to see and admire here, especially liking happy days what a beauty. Quilt now is a new one to me a beauty and your oh scrolled back to see what it is called and no longer there, it was a completed quilt and saw Just Jude holding it surely, though it is only 5.57 I was not seeing things? see you are an early riser like me.


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