
Tuesday 3 March 2015


This year instead of joining the FAL, I made a simple focus list back in January to keep me focussed on just a few items that it would be good to clear off the table.  Of course, back then I knew that my reasons for the focus list were related to my pregnancy which I hadn't yet revealed here.  You see, with a new little one on the way my sewing room will need to be re-designated as a nursery/bedroom so I really need to get a handle on the WIPs and left-aside packages for projects I always intended to get around to.  My sewing room supplies need to be reduced, reduced and reduced again so that they can relocate to a much, much smaller space in our own bedroom.  Not looking forward to that eventual logistical conundrum!

Anyway, all of this waffle is by way of explanation of the focus list I set in January.  I have now managed to complete all of the three targets I set myself then - the special birthday mini-quilt, the memory quilts and catching up with the Quilt Now BOM.  I even managed to squeeze in a few distractions along the way - February it seems was quite a productive month!  Some of those distractions I still need to show you the finishes of here, but I'll do that soon.

So, now I need another list to keep me focused on finishing up WIPs and clearing out and condensing
all that I have accumulated in my sewing space.

1.  Quilt Now BOM - as an ongoing block of the month project, there is of course more of this to come, so I'd love to keep on top of it and not fall behind again.  Not sure how many months are left of this BOM so I can't say for sure it will be finished pre-baby, but if it's at least up-to-date that will be great.

2.  Rainbow Crumb quilt - this will only be a little quilt and I've made a wee bit of progress already but haven't shared it here just yet.  Would like to finish it up.

3.  Sidekick Tote bag - have been planning to make one of these since last summer but keep letting other projects get in the way.  It would be fun to have a new bag for late spring/summer using some linen and these Kate Spain fabrics, so my fingers are crossed for a finish.

4.  Elizabeth Hartman Tote - again I've been wanting one of these for ages, so now is the time!  I have no pic to share at the moment but I am thinking that some Essex Yarn Dyed Linen and Bonnie and Camille would be a perfect combination for this one.

5. Modern Stitching Bee Quilt - blocks from my MSB month have been gathering since July last year. It needs a few extra blocks to bring it to size so even if I can stitch those up and piece the top together before the arrival of the little one, that would be great progress.

I think that lot should keep me busy enough for the next couple of months - a small quilt, two quilt tops and two bags.  Easy peasy, right?


  1. My sewing space was in my bedroom for a long long while, and moving there for a cute baby is a nice trade off. I hope you get it all sorted nicely. The projects are beautiful.

  2. Thought I am the only one not finished the MSB quilt. Gorgeous projects. It is sad that you need to move the sewing stuff but there might be a little tiny space for handsewing?? or handquilting while watching the little one sleep???

  3. Great projects! Let me know if you need any Essex YDL (natural or black). jxo

  4. Fun! The projects, that is, not the re-appropriation of your sewing space. Same thing happened when Grace was born, and it's definitely been more difficult to find the time and space for sewing, but that makes it all the more precious when I do get it!

  5. Your spiderweb blocks are SOOO pretty!

  6. a new baby is one of the things worth giving up a sewing room for! Mind you, that is some focus list, I would need to focus to focus on the focus list. Love the spider web blocks too.


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