
Wednesday 31 July 2013

Bee Blessed Summer Block Reminder

Four Wonky Crosses Blocks

Just a wee reminder that this summer's Bee Blessed blocks are wonky crosses block in red, blue, grey and yellow.  All the details were posted here if you missed them first time around.

And, to inspire you, here are some we have received already - I love how this is going to look.

Thanks for remembering us in your summer stitching plans!


  1. Love how these are shaping up! Got a few more in the post today! Jxo

  2. would love to help but unfortunatey my fabrics and very girly, off to the Festival of quilts on 10th and will see if I can pick up a few suitable fat quarters, mind you by the time I have looked at all the quilts there will not be much time left for shopping, will help me save some money though!


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