
Sunday 13 March 2011

SWOON Fabrics

Here are some pics of the Melissa Averinos Swoon fabric fqs graciously offered by Mandy of Simply Solids in her February giveaway - aren't they lovely?

12 gorgeous fat quarters!

Bold patterns and rich colours.

It's hard to describe the depth and richness of the colours - they're truly beautiful!
Every few minutes I change my mind about which one is my favourite.  If you fancy some for yourself pop on over to Mandy's store (she's the exclusive UK stockist of these) and spoil yourself.  Thanks again Mandy for the opportunity to win these lovely treasures!

Now I just have to come up with a cracking project to make use of these lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I especially like the blues. A showcase quilt would show these off beautifully.


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